Our first task was to estimate the planet's radius and mid-transit time by creating a light curve based on this data in the Allesfitter program. The program evaluated our curve and determined how accurate we were and we obtained the correct value to compare with our result. We saw that our estimate of the transit depth had 2,6% deflection from Allesfitter, that was not bad for beginners. From the Allesfitter program we also received more data - the mass of the planet, temperature and time period… (see attached pictures).
A light curve shows percentage values of light coming from the star in time. The difference between the smallest measured value and the maximum is called transit depth. It’s approximately the ratio of the area of the planet's disc and the area of the star's disc. With this ratio, we determined the planet radius (see calculation below)
Volume, density
The planet's radius is ca. 2.45 larger than of our planet Earth, which means its volume is approximately 15 times larger, as we can see in the formula for volume (calculations below). At the same time, it’s 9.7 heavier than Earth - we know that from Allesfitter. With these two numbers, we determined the density of the exoplanet. Turns out that TOI-560 c is way lighter than Earth and so it’s made from lighter material.
What’s the planet like?
The density of the exoplanet is similar to the density of Mars, so we assume that its composition can be also similar. Mars is a terrestrial planet assumed to be made of silicates. It doesn’t have a ferromagnetic nucleus and we expect that the exoplanet doesn’t have one either. Otherwise, the rest of the planet would have to be made from gas - to be extremely light - and that’s less likely because of many reasons, for example the high temperature on the planet. But if this hypothesis would be right, it would be an obstacle in speculations about the habitability of this planet, because it would be missing the magnetosphere, like Mars. On Earth or Neptune, their ferromagnetic nucleus creates a magnetic field, called a magnetosphere, which protects the planet from external influences such as the solar wind - a stream of charged particles from a star. Without a magnetosphere, life is impossible because of the ionization of cosmic radiation. Furthermore, any space objects can collide with the planet and damage its surface and its atmosphere (if it would have one).
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